Nov 17, 2012


Ayah dengan umi baru je hantar harituuu, jumaat mlm,semalam dah rindu, sekarang pagi ahad, selalunya, pagi minggu mcm nii, ktorg semua bangun kelam kabut nak kene buat breakfst, atok slalu mkn pkul 9, simple je ktorg masak, kalau ad gulai,panaskan ,buat cekodok atau lempeng cicah,kalau malas,tu nenek. Acu rajin masak mee, bihun goreng. Umi, mesti masak nasi goreng cili api. Kalau adah pulak,paling malas, goreng telur je,cume bermcm jenis jgk la kan,yg telur kuning garing, kuning cair, basuh salad, bakar roti. Kalau na bajet western ,adah goreng a hot dog,haha,sng tak? Family ktrg 11 org tahu dalam satu rumah, memang penat kalau nak masak,mengemas ape lagi kan, haha. Haihh. Its okay laa.hrni kat tmn bahagia, masih dapat baring, belum dlm condition kene stdy,so, semua boleh tidurr,ahaha.jum?

Imy family.

Nov 15, 2012

Sayang nyaa

Bukan semua yang kita nak kita akan dapat, ill accept whatever happens, its okay,


For those who might wondering who he is,he is my bestfriend, haha. Say HELL O piji.haha.truely, seriously, I never have a person who cares toomuch about me, I am a bit curious act, I did have a crush on him before, at the first sem in our first year,but now, I dnt hve tht kind of feeling anymore,mybe because tht Ive met a new crush, hehe.Im glad to be your bestfriend piji, and Im sorry for the things I might hve said before, actions that might hurt you, feelings that ive been playing,  but friend,I dnt know la, the thing is, you hve change,  you are not the same person I knew as the first time we met.yeayy, silah and I used to said "Eeei,antara rama ramai tu,piji laa paling rajin,piji terror circuit", "dah siap lab?cube tanye piji" haha. I missed the old you, yang rajin, pandai, tak tidur dlm kelas,haha. Sometimes I feel like its me ,the one who drag u in these situation,in these kind of scenario,aku yg bg bad influence dekat kau, I woke up late evryday, i loveee to skip classes,I hate people for no reason, I treat people according to my mood but my mood swings evrydy, hence, i easily get me a troublemaker, I wont denied it, and disebabkan kau rapat dengan aku, perangai aku jadi ikutan kau,kott,haha,sorry kawan, when it was my birthday pun, kau buat mcmmcm, thankful gila waktu tu tapi tak tahu nak ckp kat kau, terima kasih jadi kwn aku piji,terima baik buruk ak, dengan ini, aku pun maafkan laa kesilapan kau,haha. Good friends, sekarang family pon dah good, kau mcm kwn ak dr kecik dah ni,haha.I promise u one thing piji, i'll be there in your matter what happens, we ll be fine, :)